Becoming a Master Electrical Contractor

Master Electrical Contractors are trained engineers that have had extensive schooling, including at least two years of coursework and one year in the hands-on apprenticeship program. To be eligible for a job as an electrician, one must be able to demonstrate knowledge in both the electrical and mechanical aspects of building construction. The electrical skills will be used in the installation of home appliances and electrical systems as well as the construction and repair of commercial buildings.

Master Electrical Contractors are also required to take and pass an exam to become licensed. Although there are no formal licensing requirements, those who have completed their apprenticeship, which takes approximately twelve weeks, will most likely need to take a test in order to receive certification. Those with a bachelor’s degree are given the opportunity to choose between a two-year associate’s degree or a four-year bachelor’s degree.

Those who have a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree will be more successful applicants than those with only a high school diploma. Applicants who are looking to get a job as an electrician typically have three years of experience as well as at least two years in the field. They should also have a working knowledge of the electrical codes of each state as well as the local codes. Experience working with large and small power systems is also important.

To begin your journey into the world of an electrical contractor, you must first find an electrical contracting firm that has a licensed electrical contractor. In many states, this is simply accomplished by checking with your local Department of Licensing. When you find a contractor, inquire about his licensing requirements. There is typically a general agreement as to what they require, but it is usually best to consult with a licensing professional before beginning any work.

Once you have chosen an electrical contractor to work with, be sure to review the job contract in detail to make sure all of the required items are included in the contract. This contract is a binding agreement between the contractor and the client, and it is important for both parties to adhere to it. The contract should outline how the work will be performed as well as the expected results. It should also contain specific details about payment, labor rates, and estimated time frames for completion. If the work is to be done on a subcontract basis, make sure that both parties have agreed upon the subcontractor in writing.

After you have accepted the job from the contractor, you will be given an application to fill out detailing your education, training, certification, and certification from the contractor’s license office. The application will also request that you provide information about your previous jobs as well as a list of references. If you have any major work pending that requires any special equipment or training, be sure to check with the contractor to confirm that the electrical contractor you selected can handle the requested items.